
Defination and Methods of Manufacture of Rasmalai


Rasmalai is a chhana based sweet prepared essentially by suspending flat circular shaped rasogulla in sweetened condensed milk. Rasmalai is popular all over India,particularly in eastern and northern parts. It is a very delicate, spongy and chewy sweet that has a delectable taste. It is also flavoured with saffron and pista. Theproduct is refrigerated and served chilled.


ii.Method of Manufacture

Milk is heated with continuous stirring in open pan to evaporate to about one-half of its original volume. At this stage sugar is added at the rate of 4.0 per of original milk.The heating and stirring is continued at slow fire till the content is reduced to about one-third of its original volume. The addition of sugar during heating imparts pleasant flavour and palatable taste to the end product. Subsequently, flat circular shape rasogulla is added to this concentrated milk and content is further heated for few minutes (2-5 min). Thereafter, the container is removed from the fire and content is allowed to cool to room temperature, chilled and stored under refrigeration. The product is served chilled. Rasmalai has limited shelf life of 3-5 days. The flow chart for manufacture of Rasmalai is presented in Fig.
Flow chart for manufacture of chhana murki
Flow chart for manufacture of chhana murki

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