
Dairy Co-Operatives

The concept of cooperation has been evolved from the nature. We can observe co-operation in a body, when many different parts of the body act together and do certain task. No body can think of life without co-operation. Co-operation has been among the most honoured values throughout the history of mankind rather stressed in all the religions and moral systems of the world.

The word co-operation has been derived from the word “Co-operari”, which means to work, toil, act together and endeavour to achieve some common goal. In other words Co-operative is a common action undertaken to fulfill the interest of all individuals. Webster Universal Dictionary defines co-operation as an association of a number of persons for a common benefit, while Chambers Concise 20 th century Dictionary relates it to joint action. In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Co-operation is defined as the joint or collaborative behaviour, which is directed towards some goal/common interest or hope for reward. Social scientists have defined cooperation in several ways.

According to Fay, C.R. it is “an association for the purpose of joint trading, originating among the weak and conducted always in an unselfish spirit, or short term share in its rewards in proportion to the degree in which they make use of their association”. Karve defined cooperation as a common action on equal footing undertaken to promote the legitimate interest of all concerned. It could also be defined as an ethical norm, a social process or an institutional structure known as Co-operatives.

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