
Present Status of Clean Milk Production in India

The present status of India’s dairy sector has distinct advantage being the largest producer of milk in the world from a large base of livestock. The pressure of competition is such that Indian dairy industry has no option but to launch a vigorous campaign to produce clean milk. Efforts are continuing by the National Dairy Development Board in collaboration with different cooperatives and dairy federations to introduce the practices at the village level to produce clean and hygienic milk to meet the present day challenges faced by it. It is important not only in order to sustain the present level of milk production and continue paying the remunerative price presently being paid to farmer producers, but also it helps in reducing wastages and producing more value added milk products.It is well known that the quality of milk is affected due to the contamination from feed, veterinary drugs, fertilizers and environment in the milk at the farmer level.

The microbiological quality of milk is affected by general health of animals and milk handling practices subsequent to milking. In fact, the bacteriological quality of raw milk in India is similar to that of any developed countries at the cattle udder level.The status of raw milk produced in India is reflected in its bacterial quality (Table). A comparison of status of raw milk quality in India vs. International quality standards (1000-1,00,000 SPC cfu/ml) indicates that the bacteriological quality of raw milk is almost similar at the udder level (Table 6.3). Thus, the way of milk handling subsequent to milking affects the quality of raw milk.
Studies conducted by the author at nearby villages from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) related to the knowledge level of farmers on clean milk production practices revealed the following aspects scoring very low:
  •  Drying of udder with clean dry cloth after washing
  •  Udder cleaning with lukewarm water
  •  Shape of milking pail
  •  Clean and sanitized animal shed
  •  Teat dipping
  • Sub-clinical mastitis and it’s diagnosis 
  • Bacteriological status of raw milk produced under different Indian conditions
    Bacteriological status of raw milk produced
    under different Indian conditions
    Comparative statement of Standard for Bacterial Load in raw milk
    Comparative statement of Standard for
    Bacterial Load in raw milk
 The results of the study reveals the grim knowledge of milk producer’s and therefore calls serious attention upon the contemporary situation in clean milk production.Hence, there is virtually an urgent need to disseminate knowledge regarding the benefits of adopting clean milk production among the farmers.

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