
Steam Traps

Steam trap is a device which is used to remove condensate from steam. It is installed at a position and in such a manner that the condensate flow freely into it.Selecting a Steam Trap: It is necessary to have the knowledge of following factors while selecting the suitable steam trap for a given steam line installation
a) Rate of condensate discharge.

b) Method of disposal of condensate, whether the condensate is to be reused in the boiler or it is to be discharged free into atmosphere.

c) Pressure and temperature of steam in the pipe line.

Construction of Steam Trap: Depending upon the principle of operation and construction, stem traps can be grouped into various categories. The most commonly used steam traps are the open bucket type steam trap and the ball float type steam trap.

i) Open-Bucket Type Steam Trap: An open bucket type steam trap . The steam trap body has an open bucket inside it. When the condensate enters the steam trap, the bucket inside it rises with the rise in water level. This causes the closure of opening at the outlet valve. With more and more condensate entering the steam trap, the trap body and the bucket inside it get filled with water. As soon as the bucket is full of water, it sinks in the condensate and moves to the bottom of the trap body. The downward movement of bucket causes the outlet valve to open and the steam condensate is discharged out of the steam trap. This action of upward and downward movement of bucket repeats again and again with the fresh flow of condensate in to the steam trap. The trap body is provided with an air vent at the top to release air from the system in case there is an air lock.

ii) Ball-Float Type Steam Trap:  It consists of a trap body having a float ball in it. When the water level inside the trap body is low,the ball positions itself in front of the outlet orifice. Due to pressure of steam the ball is pressed against the orifice and seals it. As the condensate level in the trap body increases the float ball rises and changes its position relative to the outlet opening. The outlet opens and the condensate is discharged out. This discharge continues till the condensate is flushed out. As soon as the water level inside the trap body drops, the float ball again positions itself against the outlet orifice, thereby closing it. This operation repeats again and again and the condensate is discharged periodically.

Installation of steam trap: Steam trap is installed at a position and in such a manner that the condensate flows freely into it. Wherever physically possible,steam trap is installed below the equipment to be drained, so that condensate can flow by gravity. The trap should be accessible for servicing. Trap leakage represents a common cause of trouble. Other trap troubles include rusting and sticking of the mechanism, float leaks etc. Steam traps should be tested on a regular schedule basis. They should be opened at least twice a year, cleaned thoroughly and if any valve or seat is found worn out it should be immediately replaced.

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