
Packaging,Hardening,Stroage,Transpotation and Common Defects

In the earlier unit we studied how the ice cream mix, properly pasteurized,homogenized and aged, is frozen in an ice cream freezer. Freezing process in the ice cream freezer involves conversion of part of water of ice cream mix into smaller ice crystals with simultaneous incorporation of air in the mix to increase the volume
(over run) of ice cream. The partially frozen ice cream is then quickly drawn from the freezer, filled in suitable containers and transferred to a very low temperature room for freezing of remaining water portion of ice cream. After ice cream has been sufficiently hardened it is ready for consumption. Until it is sold to customer, ice cream should be properly handled such that the quality of ice cream is not affected in any way. This can be achieved by maintaining cold temperature conditions during handling, storage and transportation of ice cream. Good quality ice cream can only be made by selection of good quality ingredients and maintaining standard processing conditions a various stages of manufacture. Quality of ice cream should be evaluated
routinely by organoleptic tests by comparing with approved or accepted score card for this purpose. If any defects are noticed in ice cream the reasons for their occurrence should be identified and suitable measures be taken to remove the defects.

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