
Safety Precautions, Wires and Cables, Function of Fuses and Miniature Circuit Breakers

We will study the elementary first aid to be provided to a person fainted with electric shock. The different methods of artificial respiration are available for a person feeling some problem in natural breathing. Some-times the situation becomes critical when the patient is just losing or has lost his natural breathing. Now, the question arises, why we need such type of elementary first aid. Can we avoid such types of accidents or mishaps? The answer will be definitely “Yes we can”. The different elementary first aid, which should be provided to an unconscious and injured person, will be explained in detail. The safe use of electricity demands certain safety precautions to be adopted and provision of different safety devices.

We should handle the electrician tools for the repair and maintenance works in home and dairy industry carefully. Selection of proper tools for a particular job is most important because the use of improper tools may result in accident. So, here we will be familiarized/acquainted with the different electrician tools available in various sizes. The mishandling of tools may also cause a serious injury to the operator and the tool may also get damaged. We need wires and cables to transmit electrical power from one point to another. Depending upon the environment, use of different wires may be necessary due to change in environmental conditions. So,we also go through the different types of wires and cables that could withstand with environmental conditions. Fuses and Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) are the main safety devices used to protect the circuit, equipment and machines etc. from over-current. As a result of this over-current, the winding of motors and wires may catch fire. This over-current may be due to short-circuit, faulty bearings and overloading of the machines. In the age of modernization, the fuses are being replaced with M.C.B. An exposure will be given on advantages of M.C.B over general fuses.

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